I know what you’re thinking, and you’re wrong. This is not a resolution.
Sure, it might seem like quite a coincidence, starting this on January 1 and all, but that’s all it is. Coincidence.
It just happens to be New Year’s Day as I start into this new thing. A new focus. A new website. A new blog. A new novel.
After 8 years as a freelancer with a crummy 1 page website built using the now-defunct Google web-o-matic page maker, I’m finally putting something real onto my URL. It’s something that I’ve wanted to do for, oh, about 8 years, but always put off because I honestly couldn’t figure out what I needed to put here.
Ironic, I know, considering my freelance career up to now has been a lot about helping other people figure out what their websites need to be. Ironic, but not uncommon for people in my field.
Also, my sister told me she’d help me build it, so you know.
So the time has come to do something new. This site reflects the new focus to my work. A re-branding, if you will. It is my intent to direct my energies into consulting work, establishing myself as an expert in the new realities of digital broadcasting. It’s a logical next step in my career progression that I’ve been working towards at the same time the industry has been working towards it.
A lot of what appears on this blog will be professionally-oriented posts about the broadcasting industry and the very real challenges — and opportunities — it faces with the switch to digital media.
At the same time, I’m also directing my energies towards completing a new novel. I also consider this a professional activity, and I hope to chronicle the act of writing through this blog as well.
The rest of what appears here will be personal stuff that I can’t resist writing about. It’s been many years since I had a blog — I used LiveJournal to do it, so that should tell you something about how long it’s been — and I could use the catharsis of maintaining a blog again.
And I’ll forgive you if you think that all this sounds an awful lot like a new year’s resolution. I suppose it does. But it’s not. It’s a new beginning.
So excited you are back. My favourite livejournal writer of all time 🙂 well, besides my husband.